Sunday, December 30, 2012


Welcome to Little Cricket Letterpress!  This is my first post and I’m so happy that you have joined me on my journey towards printing every day.

I bought my printshop from my Dad about 15 years ago. He worked his way through Seminary on this old Chandler & Price and then bought the shop when Letterpress became the outdated mode of printing. He hauled it along with our family when we moved to Northern Indiana. We  knew we were home when, after many hours of set-up, we could hear the smooth “clank-a-clunk” of the press running in the basement.  In this photo,  you can see  my Dad running Christmas cards in 1988 at our home in Warsaw Indiana.  He has been gone for 13 years now but I can still hear him quietly coaching me as I go about the business of printing. He was an excellent teacher!

I’ve been a hobby printer over the years. I love the feel of the paper, the soft hiss of the ink as it rolls over the plate and the satisfaction of tinkering with heavy machinery to create that perfect impression.  My goal is to print full time within a year and a half.   I want to make beautiful prints, invitations, and business cards  just especially for you!

It is my privilege to work with Emilee Beeson,  a young designer – who happens to be my daughter-in-law.  She is full of ideas and has an innate sense of color, style and modern design.  I owe many thanks to my good husband whose encouragement and fix-it skills I would not want to live without!

Well…here we go!  This journey is not for the faint of heart. There will be trials and triumphs and I will shield your eyes from neither.  I hope you enjoy it all.  (Here’s where I take a deep breath and click publish)